Printable Art

Find a Coloring Mandalas and all other organizational printables here.
And all are free for you from me and other authors kindly provided for free use to print at home!


In Sanskrit, Mandala means circle. It is a sacral symbol that brings everything into harmony.

The basic principle of Mandala is sacral geometry. At the heart of the construction of everything is geometry. Everything in the Universe has its own forms, which correspond to the laws of geometry. The simplest forms are the circle and sphere. The internal knowledge of sacral geometry and all forms and figures is inherent to each person on a subconscious level.

When viewing and compiling Mandala, we activate certain parts of the brain responsible for creativity, tranquility, positive emotions, and knowledge of something greater – the Divine. At this moment a person is healed and comes in harmony with God and the whole Universe.

Drawing Mandalas, and even looking through the paintings, each of us becomes a magician who knows how to subtly feel this world, to find balance and harmony in everything that surrounds him: whether it is health, quality relationships with people, financial well-being, or revealing their new facets in creativity and alchemy of life.


Coloring Mandalas by Carlos Garro:

Coloring Mandalas 01

Coloring Mandalas_02









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